FROM THE DRAWER is a handfull of unfinished ideas that has been stacked away in the pile named "To Be Finished and Sold to the Client" for some years now. I've been staring at them for so long, that I can't make up my mind if they're any good or just rubbish - therefore, please feel free to comment and make suggestions. Maybe then I'll take the time to add the final touches and call the client :)


Fisherman's Friend "Tongue Piercing"

Hot Wheels "Haunted cat"

Aquagel Lubricant "Screw"

BIC Ballpen "Stain"

Copenhagen Zoo "150 year anniversary"

The Danish Ministry of Health "What your drink, your child drinks too"
From the Drawer

From the Drawer

FROM THE DRAWER is a handfull of ideas that never saw the light of day, but has been haunting me for years. I desperately need at pair of fresh e Read More
