Female I
Another illustration of Eve
Another illustration done by using solely via Adobe Illustrator, except on the image resizing to be put onto this site.

When I started this artwork, I was inspired by a piece of a black-and-white prints found in Malacca, showing a fashionable manga-ish female with her own larger silhouette shadow at the background reversed. Despite the low resolution image printed on a roughly 40″ x 40″ canvas (It is not a good buy. It looks pirated. Please respect the original creator of the artwork.), it’s design do keep me astounded for a short moment.

With the visual still embedded in my mind, I brought it back to my own studio space, and voila, here it is. Enjoy.

Female I
And here are the details that I put in. For the face and the dress.
Female I

Female I

Another illustration done by using solely via Adobe Illustrator.
