Fame Epilepsias
Celebrities seen under their bones at last show their true colors. 
David Bowie
David Bowie (detail)
Joseph Gordon-Hewitt
Diane Kruger
Chris Pine ( Star Trek Hero ) pictured as a Lady
Chris Pine ( Star Trek Hero ) pictured as a Lady ( detail )
Christopher Waltz ( Hans Landa )
Jessica Chastain
Jessica Chastain ( detail )
Denis Diderot ( french philosopher )
Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix (detail)
Lady singing the blues - collage from Nicole Kidman's photographs
Serge Gainsbourg
Kate Moss
Jack Nicholson

Humphrey Bogart 
Daniel Craig 
8-bit John Fitzgerald Kennedy 
Diseased and happy businessman 
Valérie Trierweiler ( François Hollande's wife )
Megan Fox
Adriana Lima
Paparazzi / Adriana Lima
Marilyn Monroe
Nathalie Portman
Lady Gaga
Nelson Mandela
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Nicole Kidman
Michael Fassbender
Fame Epilepsias

Fame Epilepsias

Celebrities seen under their bones show their true colors.
