Marco Cruz García's profile

Art Direction in Festival pieces

Client: Word Gym
Headline: Overweight kills 
Client: Dental Plus
In Guatemala it is very common to see in the cables of the public way of the neighborhoods or colonies, objects that are trapped or that are thrown on purpose. We take advantage of this to highlight the benefits of Dental Plus, dental floss.
Client: Cable TV Claro
Headline: I got free with Claro
Case: In the streets of Guatemala City there are fixed advertising banners. Then the creative team had the idea of supporting them for the campaign and promotion of free LCD screens, from our client CLARO, who by contracting their new cable TV service, received a free TV
*From now on everything is computer direction in the computer
Art Direction in Festival pieces

Art Direction in Festival pieces

Dirección de arte en piezas para premios y simples ideas.
