Map Infographic
This infographic is in the middle of a magazine, as a 4 pages long graphical illustration. When I was an exchange student in Belgium I tried to express how I see Gent in the language of graphic design. I didn't used bicycle back then, since the distances were relatively short. Also I liked the examine the architecture style of the city while I walked.

The interesting thing about walking, that you don't really feel exactly the directions you are heading, rather you have an image in your head about the map, and you feel that you mostly walk in straight directions: up, down, left, right.

In the middle pages I express this feeling by showing the three main directions, I used to walk to. North, west and south. Later on, when I compared my feelings with a real map, I discovered that the main station is not in a south direction from my home, but definitely in a west direction.

First page is a typo poster, that tells the backstory of me. The last page consists more detailed informations about places I visit, a real map, and other data.
Middle page pair, page 2-3
Left: page 1. Right: page 4
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Map Infographic

Map Infographic

City infographic base on my walking habits
