Ronaldo Patrocinio's profile

Evolution of the GMAC 2011 Trophy/Plaque

The GMAC Award is one of Avon Philippines' most prestigious form of corporate recognition.
This particular project illustrates  the design development progress from its initial concept to its final layout.
This is the initial concept — which included developing the logo type for the said award.
Fortunately, I only had to make one study and it was immediately approved.
The logo type is based on Optima Lt Std.
To veer away from the other award designs,
I opted to change the layout in the second revision.
It was at this point wherein I conceptualized the 'laurel of flames".
A variation of the 'laurel of flames'.
As another option for the award icon, I developed this 'lady of flames' concept.
The Final / Approved Design
We finally arrived on this layout after finalizing the copy.
Evolution of the GMAC 2011 Trophy/Plaque

Evolution of the GMAC 2011 Trophy/Plaque

This is part of my design contract with Avon Cosmetics, Inc. — Philippines, where I worked for the Regional and Local Recognition Programs. The Read More
