Elementaire Zine Mind Issue 06

Welcome all to Mind, the Sixth issue of Élémentaire Zine.

In this issue we take you on a trip through the mind, encouraging you to explore and indulge in the collection we have gathered and the diversity the subject has to offer.

Mind features interviews with Shanghai based illustrator Mojo Wang, where we discuss his creative process and how living in the world’s biggest city has affected his imagery. Also included is an interview with painter Eloy Morales and a chance to gain an insight into his incredible ‘About Head’ series.

As always, Mind plays host to a collection of extremely talented artists from all over the globe. We have focused more attention upon creating thoughtful & inspiring informative pieces to accompany each artists imagery, which I hope you enjoy.

Thanks for reading.

Mark Kiszely

All copyright remains with the artists
Elementaire Zine Mind Issue 06