Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent.

The Egyptian call their republic Maṣr, in Arabic: جمهورية مصرالعربية - Misr al-ʿ Ŷumhūriyyat Arabiyyah, thus the word "Egypt" has no meaning in the Egyptian dialect.

Egypt is fantastic! A chaotic energy overwhelms the city, it is not "cute" western-talking but it's wonderful to see how everything works in its own way... how people crossing the streets without traffic lights avoid getting hit by cars submerged in a tireless traffic during day and night, and people traveling above their donkeys carrying garlic on their roads.

It is also surprising how many people lives in this country, no less than 80 million of which 20 million live in Cairo! Unbelievable!
The pictures below were taken in Cairo, Luxor, Kings Valley, Aswan, Abusimbel and around.
Continues on Egypt - Part 2
Egypt - Part I

Egypt - Part I

