Doing stage design and visuals for ELVI/DUNIAN. No pre rendered video, texture, raster, whatsoever was used in creating the visuals. All things real-time-audio-and-physical-space-reactive and parametric - if there's no movement in music or in the physical room, then there's no movement in the visuals. Audio analysis and space scanning using Kinect + control done using MIDI instruments and tablet data piped through OSCulator.

Projection surface is based on tessellation. An irregular variation of {3,6} which opens up possibilities to play with the characteristics of {4,4}. The structure itself was created pseudorandomly. Mathematic rules, output from a specially written generation app and a random choice from a by-passer. The reference to the real world structure in the application is passed as coordinates. This approach in future opens up possibility to play w/ dynamic projection surface.

Just switched from mockup and paper+knife to structure seen in video and saw+drill. It is structurally self-supporting shell, made of wood and PVH.

On the visual content side - had time to code basic characteristics for the form. However that didn't stop us from doing a small test show in September at Artelis theatre space in Riga.

Well this piece can never be ready anyways, it's all about the process.
