PrismaColors Pencils on Watercolor paper...

Marilyn Vanity Fair Cover
Liz Taylor with flower...
Marilyn from Bert Stern photo shoot... SOLD!
Marilyn from Bert Stern photo shoot... SOLD!
Commissioned piece for a friend. She is a huge fan of Patrick Nagel and wanted a portrait done in a similar style but with her features and specified colors... SOLD!
Commission prismacolor portrait of Lucille Ball
Commission prismacolor of Audrey Hepburn...
Commission prismacolor portrait of a friend's granddaughter...
Another Marilyn prismacolor...
Commission portrait of a friend's son...
Commission of baby Reid...
Cary Grant in Prismacolor....
Katharine Hepburn in Prismacolor...
Jean Harlow in Prismacolor...
Elvis in Prismacolor...
Bonterra wine ad in Prismacolor...