Work at AMPP Design
Photographer Lucy Greenhill, wanted to explore two of her passions, Photography and Fashion. We helped her to realise her ambition to create a fashion photography magazine under the name of 'Dot Dot Dot.'
Going through a careful process, we created with Lucy the brand identity.
Ideas 1
Ideas 2
Ideas 3
Ideas 4
Development - Buttons
Development - Colours of Britain
Development - Keep it simple
Development - Constellation
Final Output
Here we developed the logo that would be able to used on the front of the magazine and then a 'button' would would act as a badge, a symbol that people would be able to associate.
Final Logo - Black Lettering
Final Logo - Button
Post Branding
Business Card
Magazine Front Cover


The client came to us to with the intention of wanting to set up a fashion photography magazine, asking to help them with developing an identity Read More
