Hannah Sherratt's profile

Domino's YCN 'Two for Tuesday' Brief

Domino's YCN 'Two for Tuesday' Brief:
The brief was to rebrand Domino's 'Two for Tuesday' distinguishing it from the rest.
Using the idea that pizza tastes better hanging out with friends and watching films. I created the concept of a Premiere Night, where you would invite your friends around and have a party, and watch some TV/Films and order Domino's.
To give the night an 'awards' and luxurious feel, I decided to call the night Golden Tuesday:
A part of my concept is to have an online, mixed with social media, competition.
Step 1: Go online to the Domino's website and fill in some details along with the theme of your party.
Step 2: During your party take a photo / video etc of your themed party
Enter this onto the Domino's website for a chance to win prizes!
Winners would be judged on the creativity of your themed party, and what you enter. At the end where will also be links so you can share it on Facebook, Instagram, Vine, YouTube etc.
This is the initial print advertising, including: Envelope, Main flier, Competition flier and a view of the backs of the fliers. These would be distributed in city centre's, universities, through letter boxes etc.
The next stage of the competition is based on when you entered.
If you enter less than three days before your party you will receive:
Personalised tickets via email
More than three days however you don't want to pay an extra amount for themed tickets and posters you recieve, through the post:
Tickets plus an A3 Poster
However if you'd like it themed for an extra amount, they will be designed to the theme your party will be.
For example:
Tickets, A3 Poster and a flier of suggestions for your party
An element I wanted to make sure I conquered was local advertising.
I decided that there could an idea of 'vs battles' between two local groups, for example: local football teams, university courses etc. This would have it's own competition, you would enter through the website, filling in your information, plus the name of your opposing team so you can be linked together, and what your collective theme would be. Then after both parties the teams submit their pictures / videos, a winning team would be chosen and recieve maybe vouchers or a free cinema ticket.
I decided to slightly change the logo for this pack, as well as the tickets and posters:
Domino's YCN 'Two for Tuesday' Brief

Domino's YCN 'Two for Tuesday' Brief

The brief was to rebrand Domino's 'Two for Tuesday' distinguishing it from the rest.
