This was a quick and dirty experiment with my intricadoodles. It's a 2-color silkscreen on a 10" tile of PVC - black for the doodle and fluorescent pink for the under print.

Oh yeah, one really rad happy accident that I stumbled across when heat setting the plastisol (yeah I know, should've used speedball for efficiency!), it started to warp a piece. Instead of freaking out, I continued to apply heat to it until it was malleable like paper! The bottom shot is an example of how you can make a cylinder out of it - twist it, bend it and even roll it inside out. If a flat tile isn't your bag, I'd highly suggest making your own sculpture out of it.

If you're interested in picking one of these up to put on your wall, sculpt into something even more unique, give to someone for the upcoming holidays or to purely donate to rent fund -
Paypal $25 + SH (3 for US, 5 for INT) to iamintricate(AT)

Keep in mind these are quick and dirty and the quality of the print varies. I've numbered them from 1 to 42 in order of quality - 1 being the best, 42 being the grittiest. First come, first serve!

