Curto Circuito is a daily TV show aimed at a teen audience.
It started in a cable channel called CNL in 1999. In 2000 it jumped into the newly created SIC Radical cable channel. It quickly rose in popularity mainly due to the charismatic hosts, Rui Unas and Fernando Alvim. In 2003 it was decided that it needed a new face, a new studio with a new set and of course with it a new graphics package.

Motion Design: Filipe Duarte Pina
Producers: Ricardo “Tiger” da Silva / Pedro Miguel Paiva / Rui Unas

The graphics package includes:
- Logo design and color schemes
- Title sequence and exit
- Content graphics
- On-screen graphics

For more information on the project go to
Curto Circuito 3.0

Curto Circuito 3.0

Third renewal for the graphics package of the now famouns on-going 12 year running Curto Circuito tv show. As it still happens every three years, Read More
