Braga Junior's profile

Convite da Festa de Lançamento da Internet 3G (Direct)

Convite da Festa de Lançamento da Internet 3G
"Design at its best. This concept is brilliantly single-minded 
and allows the recipient to take part in the concept and involves them in the message. 
This invite draws on a well-known visual property to get its idea across."
Criação: Braga "Thinker" Junior, Matilde Melo


★ Prata (Festival da AMEP 2009)
★ Best Direct Mail (2010 Creative Excellence)

Convite da Festa de Lançamento da Internet 3G (Direct)

Convite da Festa de Lançamento da Internet 3G (Direct)

This invitation was created to demonstrate the speed of the new 3G technology through an artwork with an interactive download bar functionality.
