Freshman Year - Did Sarah and I know how to play the guitar, and did this stop us from serenading our friends together? Did we all invent a new version of Candyland that involved sticking gummy bears to our foreheads as punishment? Did Rachel run a stop sign during a driving test? We will never know.
Sophomore Year - How many times was that can of spam hidden? Did Andersen really mind when we pinned her down and raspberried her tummy? How did it happen that Rachel burned a hole in the floor of the kitchen? Mysteries abound.
Junior Year - Who knocked the bottle of blue paint over? At what hour of the evening was the "I wanna be in love right now club but I'm not" (also known as "Why Not?") brought into existence? Did Natalie eat her weight in peanut butter during the school year? I prefer not to say.
Senior Year - How long did Hope and Jon let that candle burn before we noticed the soot-stained ceiling? Is Oliver the freak-bird still alive somewhere? Will the granny-couch last another year? Questions to remain shrouded in mystery.
College Collages

College Collages

Things happen at college. You meet a group of people, bond with them, and adventures ensue. Myself and a group of seven other girls made memories Read More


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