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Casino Gran Madrid - Phone Magic

Juan Tamariz es el más famoso y querido mago en España. Casino Gran Madrid Torrelodones solía contratarle para realizar su espectáculo perfecto: adivinar más allá de los límites.
Juan Tamariz is the most famous and loved magician in Spain. Casino Gran Madrid Torrelodones used to hired him to do his perfect show: guessing beyond the limits.
Answering machine:
Thanks for calling the casino. If you want tickets for the L’Étoile Restaurant, press 1. If you want tickets for The Juan Tamariz Show (spanish magician), think for a number.
Loc Off: 
Magic evenings with Juan Tamariz. Every Friday November at the casino. Ticket reservations at 900 900 810. Casino Gran Madrid Torrelodones.
Casino Gran Madrid - Phone Magic

Casino Gran Madrid - Phone Magic

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