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Borka / Christmas Duct Tape

Borka / Christmas Duct Tape
Authors: Dragana Ileš, Kristina Ivančić, Kristina Lugonja
Competition: Christmas Tree with us 2010!
Client: HDD / Croatian Designers Society 
Competition “Christmas Tree with us 2010” and the concept of pre-Christmas sales “Christmas Tree Superstore 2010” was conceived as a multi-year project of the Croatian designer society that considers environmental and cultural aspects of decorating a Christmas tree and associated rituals and customs, and the general public offers unpretentious, intelligent, accessible and entertainment alternatives.
Natječaj “Bor s nama 2010” i koncept predbožićne prodaje borova “Christmas Tree Superstore 2010” zamišljen je kao višegodišnji projekt Hrvatskog dizajnerskog društva koji razmatra ekološke i kulturološke aspekte kićenja božićnog drvca i pripadajućih rituala i običaja, te široj javnosti nudi nepretenciozna, inteligentna, pristupačna i zabavna alternativna rješenja.
Izravan cilj ove akcije je potaknuti originalnu proizvodnju hrvatskog dizajna te promovirati hrvatske autore.

Borka je zamišljena kao samoljepljiva traka-selotejp koji sadrži motiv borove grančice i time omogućava razne primjene (ukras za darove, od nje se može napraviti vijenac ili vlastiti bor...)
Na natječaj je pristiglo 98 radova, a 13 ih je izdvojeno uz preporuku žirija za moguću proizvodnju. Borka je jedna od njih. Proizvedena je u 36 primjeraka i prodana do zadnjeg primjerka za vrijeme “Christmas Tree Superstore 2010”.

Dizajnirano: prosinac, 2010.
Dizajnirale: Dragana Ileš, Kristina Ivančić, Kristina Lugonja
There were 98 ideas submitted in competition and 13 of them were recommended by the jury for further production. Borka was one of them. "She" was produced in 36 pieces and sold out during the “Christmas Tree Superstore 2010”.

Designed: December, 2010.
Borka / Christmas Duct Tape

Borka / Christmas Duct Tape

Borka is created as a duct tape with a pine branch pattern thus alowing variety of applications (decoration for gifts, your own garland or Christ Read More
