BOMBA (The Bomb)
Short film
Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater
2nd year graduation film

A story of two kids, Eric and Tim. They discover a rusty old hand grenade while playing in the woods.

Cast: Lukas Bernardas Remiševskis, Martynas Lukas Šliažas, Joana Čižauskaitė, Valerijus Jevsejevas

Director - Robertas Nevecka
Cinematographer - Zbigniev Bartoševič
Producer - Ilma Barbarovičiūtė
Sound - Justinas Važnevičius 
Costumes - Fausta Šarkūnaitė
Set designer - Sigita Jonaitytė
Make-up - Anastasija Gorelova
Illustration for the film
Short film / Bomba


Short film / Bomba

Short film (fiction, 10'07'')
