Redesign of a cosmetic series
For TAXOR Cosmetic GmbH in Berlin
This cosmetic series needed a redesign of their labels for a variety of body and face care products.

The concept is based on no-label design with goldfoil and pictures of the main-ingredient.
All was planed with white perlmut bottles and caps but unfortunately during the production they decided coloured caps.

Photos: Bodo Schmidt
Retouching: myself
Old package design for Buckthorne product series.
Old package design for Aloe Vera product series.
Old package design for Olive product series.
Body Lotion series
Shower Gel series
Shampoo series
Creme Soap series
Day Creme series
Night Creme series
Bodycare products


Bodycare products

Redesign of labels for a series of various body and face care products.
