This project was my first freelance project that IV done. Theproject would be for a company called LittleVoice Media who was making aninstructional video for another company called BidShowRoom. LittleVoice
Mediaasked me to make them a 3D animation for BidShowRooms Logo and a 3D transition.They wanted the logo to have a fun and lively feel to it.
To get to the final animation there was a few different iterationthat we went through, one of them was when we used the clock as the transition.The other one was where we used tablet looking things to place the videos onto. We ended up going for the tablet idea as it gave the animation the feelthat we wanted. At first the tablets were orange and were going to have thefirst frame of each of the videos on them. Unfortunately we couldn’t get the screencaptures that we wanted. It was then decided that the original colour that weused looked out dated so that also had to be changed. After the changes andtweaks were done I rendered it out with an after effect file that contained thecamera motion and light position just in case it was needed in some way. 



Logo Animation and transition
