Natalia Zamudio's profile

Apis Lumbricidae/ Performance

Apis Lumbricidae
Five young women from diverse backgrounds are asking in relation to gender, sex and race. 
By projecting video-portraits, playing audio interviews, working with the body in real time and using various other devices, this piece formulates a system that tackles and expands the problematics generated by people's racial and social realities, their effects on behavior and the inevitable subjection to structures of power.

This performance was presented during the VII Hemispheric Encuentro of performance and politics: Staging Citizenship cultural rights in the Americas.

Made by: Zoitza Noriega, Nathalie Buenaventura, Pamela Campos, Claudia Torres and Natalia Zamudio
Apis Lumbricidae
on stage: Nathalie Buenaventura and Claudia Torres
Photo: Mateo Rudas
Apis Lumbricidae
on stage: Nathalie Buenaventura
Photo: Mateo Rudas
Apis Lumbricidae
on stage: Zoitsa Noriega
Photo: Mateo Rudas
Apis Lumbricidae 
on stage: 
(background) Nathalie Buenaventura and Zoitsa Noriega. 
(front) Pamela Campos and Natalia Zamudio
Photo: Mateo Rudas
Apis Lumbricidae/ Performance

Apis Lumbricidae/ Performance

performance presented during VII Encuentro of Performance and Politics Hemispheric Staging Citizenship 2009
