I have a thing for faces, I just can't stop drawing them. It's what I do whenever I have a blanck piece of paper in front of me.
It's very hard to come up with a business card for yourself. Specially if you work with Graphics. After years delaying this project I came to terms with myself and accepted that being as picky as I am I would never really reach the perfect card and decided to get myself into a project that will allow me to change it without losing its character.
Since I am always drawing faces I have decided that they are so present in my life that they deserve a place of honour. So here what it's going to happen. Every time I finnish a batch of card I will order a new batch with a different face in it. Since I draw so many I will have lots to pick from. The only rule is that I can't pick a face that I have made before I ordered the previous batch, so always new faces, always up to date and refreshed. 
My very own business card. 
Ana Starhan


Ana Starhan

My very own Business Card
