Amnesty International's campaign at Øyafestivalen uses bold, two-meter tall heart posters to assert that everyone has the right to love freely. Nine striking posters, featuring designs around the theme of love and human rights, are placed throughout the festival area. These artworks, resistant to the festival's weather, are meant to provoke thought and encourage discussions among attendees.

The poster is centered around the shape of a heart, where each individual triangle represents a human being.
Each triangle is symbolizing an individual person. This design choice is deliberate, with colors drawn from a spectrum of human skin tones sourced from real images. This serves as a powerful visual metaphor for the campaign's message: love transcends the superficial divisions of skin color, sexual orientation, and cultural background.
The posters are a visual representation of Amnesty's call to acknowledge and celebrate love's boundless nature.

The initiative showcases the creative interpretations of young artists on the theme "Love is a human right," making the message accessible and engaging. It's part of a broader effort to promote equality and love rights, linking to a global campaign culminating in a TV fundraising campaign. Amnesty's heart posters aim to visually captivate and educate Øyafestivalen goers, inspiring a deeper reflection on and support for love in all its forms.



ØYA -Festivalen / Amnesty International Norway

Art Direction / Design
Christian Ruud
Amnesty - SKIN

Amnesty - SKIN

One in a series of exclusively selected posters for Amnesty International and their campaign "Love Is A Human Right". The campaign's focus was hu Read More
