The whole alphabet can be found in your bicycle if you just know where to look.
It started with two books I read called Graphic Design: the New Basics, a guide to design principles illustrated primarily with student work, and Teaching Graphic Design, a collection of syllabi from undergraduate and graduate design courses all over the country.
I noticed a project being done in a lot of intro to typography classes was creating an alphabet out of random or found objects, ranging from banana peels, to army men, shoes, food, bodies, some physical, some photographic.  I thought, well, what do I love as much as I love typography and photography?  BIKES!  Hence the birth of the ALPHABIKE.
I spent a couple days taking photos of bikes (and am now intimately familiar with most every bike on Hampshire Colleges campus).  G, R, K, and F were the most difficult to find.  I had to think a lot about distinguishing letters from shapes, what the essential lines of each letter are, and many of the photos are all about perspective.
 ALPHABIKE is available for sale as a poster on Etsy!


The whole alphabet can be found in your bicycle if you just know where to look.
