This is a revitalization of my previous Agent Orange project. I had always felt that my approach to the last project was a little haphazard. Trying to push together too many ideas and gimmicks, so I wanted to refocus. I have redrafted the character's visual concept as well as the underlying story concept in order to make sure the focus of this project goes where it is intended.
Agent Orange is now a more classic superman-esque hero with classic powers. Super strength, speed, flight, invulnerability, enhanced senses, and dashing good looks. I wanted to give him classic powers so the story could focus more on it's cause. No fancy weapons or gadgets, just your classic "have no fear" hero.
The cause of Agent Orange's story is to raise awareness of all victims of war. It is not intended to protest or support the war in any way. It is simply recognizing that there is war, and thus victims of all kinds in all places.
For personal reasons victims of Agent Orange become a main focus, but all victims, on and off the front lines, are equally deserving of attention and support.
I hope to develop this project further as time presents itself. I would love to talk to anyone interested in partnering with me on this. Writers and other artists included.
If you did not know, Agent Orange (originally) was a toxic herbicide used by the U.S. in the early years of the Vietnam war. The goal was to clear out the heavy jungles of Vietnam to aid in visibility for U.S. troops. It led to a number of side effects inflicted on a number of people, Vietnamese and American alike, and it's effects are still seen today.
Learn more about Agent Orange and current efforts against it's effects at the following links:
Original Agent Orange Project:
Agent Orange 2.0


Agent Orange 2.0

Character design of a Superhero, the story of which revolves around war victims and raising awareness of war victims
