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AECID - Editorial Project

Editorial Project
The International Spanish Agency Cooperation (Uruguay) trusted us the development of a serie of pieces to present the cooperation programmes in our country.  We have developed a line based on the institution's corporate identity to present in a clear way and in a contemporary languaje the organization's activity.

The production for an institution of this nature implies several challenges. On one side to respect the institution's identity internationaly defined; and on the other side present the technical content in a friendly attractive way.

Our graphic proposal emphazises the visual contemporary languaje that reflects the institutional vision and it's conception of development. The management of free spaces, the use of colour, the typography selection, and a careful edition of the images coming from different fonts give the content an agile reading, without neglecting the profesionalism of the general product's image.
Insede example
Index closeup
Inside detail
Cover detail: the AECID logo
Brochure cover
The whole system
AECID - Editorial Project

AECID - Editorial Project

The production for an institution of this nature implies several challenges. On one side to respect the institution's identity internationaly def Read More
