Chi-Wai Un 袁志偉's profile

塞豆窿心事|A look inside children's minds

Adults know how to greet others, tie their shoelaces, and have table manners. To them, it’s natural to do these things. As such, they tend to ask their kids to do it as well as they do. When the kids fail to deliver, adults always wonder if something’s wrong with them, or even scold them. 
Adults apparently just forget that they’ve spent years learning these skills. It’s impossible for kids to learn it in a short period of time. No wonder kids want to give up. 
Therefore, when dealing with your kids, try to view the world from their perspective. You’ll be amazed of how much you can actually learn from them.
三秒專注力 | 3 seconds of concentration
不想借你玩 | I Don’t want to share my toys
父母是老闆 | Parents are bosses
可以教我如何快樂, 不要教我如何考試嗎 | Show me the way to happiness instead of the way to study for exams
再說道理,我就要飛走了 | I will fly away if you lecture me again
吃掉想像力的教育 | Education can swallow imagination
你越不談,我越想知 | The more you hide, the more I want to find out
你越激動,我越淡定 | The angrier you become, the calmer I stay
別怪我, 只是大家看事情的角度不同 | Don’t blame me. We simply look at things from different angles
別嫌我煩 | Don’t be annoyed with me
我不是寵物 | I am not a pet
沒有安全感 | I feel insecure
乖寶寶面具 | A good-boy mask
和別的孩子一樣你會更愛我嗎 | Would you love me more if I behave like the other kids
爸媽是什麼型,我就是什麼型 | My parents shape my character
為什麼在我面前表揚其他孩子 | Why do you praise other kids in front me
破壞換關注 | Getting attention through vandalism
就是不想叫人 | I don’t feel like saying “hello”
學芭蕾舞的時候 | When learning ballet
糟糕,長不大了 | Oops, I can never grow up
塞豆窿心事|A look inside children's minds

塞豆窿心事|A look inside children's minds

Adults know how to greet others, tie their shoelaces, and have table manners. To them, it’s natural to do these things. As such, they tend to ask Read More


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