Studies in Color
Experiments in color done for a Color Theory course. All projects completed by hand with the aid of a ruler, rubber cement, X-Acto knife, scissors, Color-Aid pack, eyeballs.
A cross-section of some projects.
Every diagonal column from lower left to upper right is of the same value. From left to right the values shift from light to dark.
As a class 4 of the ugliest colors were chosen and had to be made into a composition which would try to make them beautiful.
Josef Albers style color exercise. The 4 narrow strips are of exactly the same hue. Their visible hue difference is due to the ground on which they are positioned.
Another visual exercise. The center squares are of the exact same hue and value, and their visible difference is due to the ground.
I was to chose four colors and use them in four compositions to try and bring about a different color world in each composition.
Studies in Color

Studies in Color

Experiments in color done for a Color Theory course. All projects completed by hand with the aid of a ruler, rubber cement, X-Acto knife, scissor Read More
