Project created during Humber College Program 2019

On August 2019, the whole world was concerned about the uncontrolled fires that were happening in Amazon, Brazil. The country's government didn't have the best response to it and people got outraged as Amazon is the biggest rainforest and vital part of earth's lungs. ​​​​​​​
I wanted to also make a poster for this cause and used IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) for the ads. IBAMA is anti-deforestation of the Amazon, they are responsible to implement laws against deforestation where the government ceases to implement and they also make educational campaigns. 

The tagline is in Portuguese which means:
"The Amazon is limited as a matchbox. 
Call 0800 61 8080 to report illegal deforestation and burning."   ​​​​​​​
IBAMA Poster Ad