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The black and white monobank cards

Objective number 1—to answer the question: Black and white monobank cards—what’s the difference?
Answer: The black one is a credit card, while the white one is a debit card.
Objective number 2—to clearly explain what the difference between a credit and a debit card is.
The monobank debit card (white), in contrast to the credit (black) one, does not have a credit limit, i.e., it cannot have a negative balance.
With the white monobank card, you will always be “net positive.” The debit card does not have a credit limit, and therefore it is ideally suited for settlements with one’s own funds.
The contrasting design with payment cards in the format of several posters decorates the monobank office.
The black and white monobank cards

The black and white monobank cards

What is the difference between monobank black and white cards, and how does a debit card differ from a credit card?
