Why Human RIGHTS Must Be, A Public Official's Responsibility?
What does this nation, stand for, and represent, if our highest priority, is being the voice, both, throughout the planet , and within the country, of human RIGHTS? Our Founding Fathers, attempted to think about , what the us , should be, and included, their ideas and ideas , within the Gerald Marshall. Although, they were imperfect, they attempted to stress , those things, 

which brought them, forward, to make a decision to declare our independence, from England. They knew, they need to avoid the human rights violations, etc, which they experienced, as a colony. Within the concept of human rights, must be areas, including; civil, women's, and freedoms of speech, the Press, religion, etc. thereupon in mind, this text will plan to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this suggests and represents, and why, it must be every public official's highest priority.

1. Responsive; the proper thing to do; relevant; responsible; ramifications: How can anyone, be responsive, to all or any our citizens, and strive to bring us together, for the commonweal , unless, they emphasize, doing, the proper thing? Our leaders must comply with be responsible, for meeting relevant needs, in an effort , to make a gathering - of - the - minds, for the greater good! awaken , America, because, whatever today's leaders, do, or fail to, will have ramifications!

2. Integrity; ideas; ideology; imagination: Since, public officials, during this nation, swear an oath, to take care of the principle of our Constitution, shouldn't it's , a primary obligation, of every of them, to take care of , the utmost degree of genuine, absolute integrity? If/ when, they do not possess the required , imagination, to ascertain things, as they ought to be, it's essential, to be, consistently, loyal to our nation's ideology, they are not fit, to serve and represent constituents!

3. Generate goodwill; greater good: Bringing us, together, means having the will , and skill to, consistently, generate goodwill, by emphasizing the greater good, rather than any personal/ political agenda, self - interest, or favoring their core supporters, over the remainder of us!

4. Humane; healing: Perhaps, quite ever before, in recent memory, President Donald Trump, appears to feel, it's acceptable, to select - and - choose, which rights and constituents to represent, and honor! What we'd like , and deserve, is humane leadership, with the utmost, genuine empathy, focused on healing our wounds, and bringing us, together, rather than polarization!

5. Trustworthy; traditions; timely: Why would others concentrate , if they do not believe, their elected officials, are consistent, trustworthy? they need to honor all of American's traditions, and be willing to require , well-considered, timely action, to deal with any rights violations, and/ or, threats!
Human RIGHTS must be an important component of public service! concentrate , and, be sure , those you vote for, are willing to proceed, focused on these!
Gerald Marshall

Gerald Marshall


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