Dixit Motiwala's profile

Impression Of Mind

The below arts are the expression of my mind which I felt during this pandemic. 

Due to the Pandemic lock-down, many people are facing anxiety [I was one of them]. Which in turn makes one overwhelmed with sadness, anger, helplessness, and distress. To overcome these, I choose the path of art. Every time I got sad, angry, or felt left out of work politics, I use to express it through the process of art. 

I believe in keeping my art as minimal as possible yet storytelling. TO make it look clean and APPEALING i have just use three basic colors RED, White and Black. 
The process of Art is a yoga for brain and heart. Try it.

Thank YOU! 
Impression Of Mind


Impression Of Mind

An impression of mind to the sadness, happiness, anger, and depression (Anxiety) due to pandemic lock down.
