Assiniboine Credit Union
Client onboarding to a new platform

Assiniboine Credit Union is updating their existing web based banking site and mobile banking app with new software. The minimum was to maintain ACU’s existing functionally in the new software and suggest improvements if needed.

Onboarding existing and new clients to the new platform was a major concern for ACU. Another credit union had also just been through the process of customizing their site/app with the same software. On their launch they had a large issue with onboarding.

The login was confusing for the clients and many were not able to login or were locked out. The users were very frustrated and angry as many needed to pay bills online. The previous banking site/app was no longer available which added to the frustration.

Some of the issues for this other credit union was:
- In the Username or Debit Card Number field, users were unsure if they had a username but tried one anyways and after several attempts were locked out.
- Depending on what they had entered into the username/debit card field they would need to know what to put into the Password or Personal Access Code field. There were to may combinations where a user would be unsuccessful logging into the new platform.
The Solution
We had created several wireframe iterations for a successful login. Our approach was don’t make the user think. We started with one input, your debit card number. Once the user has entered their number and clicked Continue, the database would determine if you were an existing user from the old platform or a brand-new user. Existing user would then be presented with a personal access code field. New users would be asked for more personal information. These fields are named the same as the old platform for familiarity for the user.

These were approved by all relevant parties and is currently in development. At this time, I cannot show the final product or how it tested with test users as the product is not out yet for the public.

ACU Onboarding

ACU Onboarding
