Sketchy diaries, the project that I started to develop my skills, has not only helped me gain a strong hand in illustration but has also helped me regain discipline and recover from laziness. I started this on 5th of May, 2013 and at that time decided to take it all the way to 5th of May, 2014.
The rule is to post a piece of art everyday. This could be anything from a doodle to a highly detailed digital graphic. i could finish the drawing later but I had to start something new everyday. The above drawing was my first post in Sketchy Diaries and the one below is its better detailed version that I posted later.
Though I do not try to control the message of the drawing, I focus on making it attractive, I sometimes post text with the drawings. like for the one below I wrote: "That place in our mind, where we go find peace!" Now, someone could have a different perspective without reading the text, but hey! its a diary. :p
And sometimes I just find myself unable to give a quote to the drawing. And apparantly this one attracted a little more people than the ones recently made before it.
In the beginning I filled the sketchydiaries with vector doodles. This was fun and too fast. A simple drawing like the next one would take 1-2 minutes, but started to make me lazy again. :p
I tried to make better detailed vectors, mostly random characters. Often the character would be doing something that I wanted to do or was doing that day. I was listening to hugh laurie blues.
And no, I wan't angry when i made this. :p Its just where the pen takes, most of the time. Which is what I love most about Sketchy Diaries.
Sometimes I would post small animations.
This one was quoted as: "Stay happy, infinitely looped!"
And near the end of the sixth week. a day went by without a painting. It was like an anchor. I could stop with it, or I could change my direction. it was when I decided to make two paintings a day. And a week later i changed it to two paintings a day, one with each hand. Yes I want to be ambidextrous by the time one year of sketchydiaries end.
So far there have been 57 days of Sketchy diaries on 30th of June, 2013.
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Sketchy Diaries

Sketchy Diaries

One year long full of creativity.
