Devin Trier's profile

Knowledge Reboot

+ Quarantine Graphic Series

No. 7 Knowledge Reboot

Day 7 of my quarantine graphic series brings us right into the chaos that is COVID-19. Differentiating reports of news, cures, recommendations, advice all being absorbed into our brain region. Our most important commodity has become toilet paper and how many squares you need, or deserve. Constant noise from the talking box and magic rectangles is overwhelming (and it seems it only gets more and more overwhelming the older we get... ya?). 

The base images for this composition have all come from, a great FREE resource for imagery if you are not familiar with it. Venturing on surrealism, this is the seventh graphic collage in many to come for the foreseeable future.

Available for print. Available for hire :)
Knowledge Reboot

Knowledge Reboot

Don't Panic - a COVID-19 inspired graphic showing the chaos that is a constant news cycle of ever-increasing bad news, along with our need for th Read More
