Collectors & Collections

Collectors & Collections
Visual identity for Collectors and Collections – An exhibition that seeks answers to the questions of how and by whom design is collected.

How are design collections created and why do some design objects become sought-after collectibles? Along with rare items, the exhibition focuses on utility objects. The collecting of everyday items has become a popular pastime. Collectors and Collections also addresses in straightforward terms the downside of the culture of collecting, forgeries of art and design objects.

Working closely together with the Design Museum and Aivan we produced the visual identity, graphics and marketing materials for the exhibition.
Exhibition architecture design: Aivan.

Client: Design Museum
Sector: Arts & Culture
Case photography: Paavo Lehtonen
Type of work: Visual Identity, Motion Design, Marketing

Collectors & Collections

Collectors & Collections

Visual identity for Collectors and Collections – An exhibition that seeks answers to the questions of how and by whom design is collected.
