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Carole King, Tapestry - Album Cover

This was an album cover project inspired by a story of my dad when he was 21. When I asked my dad what album was important to him when he was my age in 1971 (when this album had also been released), he told me the album Tapestry by Carole King carried a lot of memories for him. During his sophomore year of college, my dad was struggling after a difficult semester in college and balancing a part time job at a Sears warehouse. However, on weekends he would go to Rhode Island to visit the girl he was seeing at the time and the songs from this album connect to the beautiful memories he had there - memories of him taking his motorcycle to go and see her, going to the beach, and finding peace amongst all the chaos. To communicate this story, I wanted to blend imagery of the Honda 350 motorcycle my dad had driven and a Rhode Island beach while still making the model of the bike visible, using self yellows, oranges, browns and blues to further emphasize the serenity of this time period. Because 1971 was another correlation between the album and important time period my dad told me about, I thought it necessary to include it and used the same effect as I had with the motorcycle.
Carole King, Tapestry - Album Cover

Carole King, Tapestry - Album Cover
