One of the most difficult phases a student goes through after completing graduation is deciding on which program to go for in further higher education. However, when you want to join the bandwagon of future managers, then an MBA is the best option to move forward. Wait, there’s PGDM too! Now, what is the difference between MBA Vs PGDM, or is there any difference at all? Yes, of course, both are the postgraduate level management courses. PGDM stands for Post Graduate Diploma in Management; whereas MBA is a Masters in Business Administration. Both the course have different specializations. Incidentally, many people have the idea that the market value of a diploma program (PGDM) does not match the level of a degree (MBA). Anyhow, that is just a notion. In reality, the main difference is that an MBA is a degree program conducted by Universities and colleges with affiliation to those Universities. Hence a uniformity in education&learning among all the university-affiliated colleges.



One of the most difficult phases a student goes through after completing graduation is deciding on which program to go for in further higher educ Read More


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