Gary R Gibbs's profile

Causes of Child Labor in Nicaragua

Construction and real estate entrepreneur Gary R. Gibbs has a history of providing financial contributions to humanitarian causes. For the past several years, Gary R. Gibbs and his wife have donated to organizations that improve the lives of vulnerable children in Nicaragua.

Nearly half of all children between the ages of 10 and 14 are involved in some type of labor in Nicaragua. The high rate of child labor in the country trace back to systemic poverty. A lack of access to education and future employment results in children focusing on ways to bring money into the household.

Further, children are exploited by human traffickers who force their victims into sex work, begging, or drug production. Underage workers are also frequently used in the country’s agricultural sector. Young agricultural workers are exposed to dangerous conditions, such as excessive heat and exposure to toxic chemicals.

While the Nicaraguan government has passed legislation to outlaw child labor, these measures have not eliminated the practice. Policy experts suggest improving the education system and reducing poverty to stop exploitative child labor.
Causes of Child Labor in Nicaragua

Causes of Child Labor in Nicaragua


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