Andrew Cravenho's profile


The most challenging part of starting up a business is raising sufficient financial income to run the business. Andrew is an entrepreneur with experience and shares with you some of the tips to get through these difficulties and get your business up. Choosing the right investor for your startup is very crucial, and you need to keenly consider many aspects before making your decision because this is what determines the prosperity of your business. He advises the proprietors to start up a business not to allow investors to choose them because it is their responsibility to pick an investor who meets their consideration. There are many options that one has when it comes to choosing investors, venture capitalists, crowdfunding websites, and many more. However, you should consider the investor with friendly interest rates, similar ideas, and goals. On his blog, he gives several aspects to consider and to know how to go about choosing the appropriate investors for your startup.
Finding the right investors requires one to be clear about what they want as well as a mission and vision statement for the company. Furthermore, you need to note down long-term and short-term goals that you wish to achieve as well as set practical time frames for them. Deciding whether your investors will be active or silent partners in business is also crucial. The other thing Mr. Andrew advises the starters to do is to keep off from time-wasters who are brokers posing as investors hoping to pocket a commission by introducing you to investors. Also, keep off from stallers and promising false investors who cannot make their minds quickly.
Moreover, an investor that operates in the same field as yours will typically have some expertise that you can put to good use. Moreover, if such an investor has invested in similar businesses in the past or has current investments in like companies, you should be sure that you have found a potential investor. Consider also those investors with the same interests as yours; this will get things done in a way that both parties are happy. Furthermore, assure they will support you in times of turmoil and have your back during the bad times.
Focus on current problems of your company and look for an investor who can help you deal with your current problems. Let them believe in you and allow you to execute your vision. They should not mold your company as they see fit. However, you may want to set a minimum amount that any potential investor needs to invest in your startup. Suppose an investor wants to invest but is unwilling to meet the required minimum, do not be afraid of declining the offer. Refusing investment offers that are not aligned with your goals saves you from establishing relationships with investors that are not right for your company. Remember to be courteous when declining offers- you never know when you might need them down the road. With these tips from Mr. Andrew, you can start up your business and face no challenge looking for an investor if you follow his tips. He is an entrepreneur, and a blogger, one can find many of his articles at If having any business issue, he has published useful articles that can help you solve these issues.


The most challenging part of starting up a business is raising sufficient financial income to run the business. Andrew is an entrepreneur with ex Read More


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