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Projeto de uma torneira / Faucet design

  Esta apresentação foca na construção das justificativas para a formalização do produto a partir da metodologia do projeto.

  This presentation focuses on justifying the selected solutions via the applied metodology. 
  Brief english translations will be provided for most slides.
Faucet: Sanitary ware design for small spaces, applying Design for All concepts

Project goals
- To select a sanitary ware to develop
- Apply "design for all"/"universal design" concepts
- Suitable for small homes
- Can be produced by Docol (one of brazilian lead sanitary ware companies)
Design for all
 To allow for as many people as possible to be able to use a product, 
- ≠ accessibility, to avoid stigmatization
- isonomy

The product will only become acceptable when suitable to the whole
target audience to use, not discriminating anyone
Small spaces: not a standardized definition
- lack of room for all the usual furniture in said kind of room
- rooms needs to serve multiple functions
- compromised functionalities/mobility
Small spaces: common features
- combined rooms
- kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms might be grouped in order to reduce plumbing costs
- the elderly
- people in wheelchairs
- amputees
- people with limited manual dexterity
- who lives in small urban apartments
Sanitary ware market (Brazil)
- there are solutions that are both assistive and well designed solutions
- usually more expensive due to technical features
- consumer prefers the cheapest
"In my almost thirty years as a salesman in this shop, I never had a customer in a wheelchair"

-  The disabled person is not the one going to the shop and making purchase decisions.
-  The product must comply with the needs and opinions of the buyer, as well as present itself as a good solution for the person he's buying it for - sometimes, the buyer might not be aware, or even be unable to understand the specific needs of the person he's buying for.
Definition of problem
- to design a faucet
- to be used in all wet areas
- urban residence with grouped/combined wet areas
- design for all
    - can be operated without manual dextirity
    - within reach of wheelchair users

1) Exemplos de produtos encontrados no mundo
2) Seleção de produtos pesquisados no mercado local
Synchronous analysis
1) Selection of products researched around the world
2) Selection of products available locally
- Calculando subjetivamente benefício de acordo com critérios de design for all e quanto à adequação a espaços reduzidos, entendemos que produtos mais caros não necessariamente se destacam em benefício.
- O mercado é bem servido de soluções “sensatas”: a mais barata é assistiva (mecânica)
- Queremos atuar no topo à esquerda, oferecendo mais benefício e uma solução mais plena em design for all.

Cost X Benefit graph
- By subjectively calculating "benefit" according to the principles of design for all and how well suited each product is for small spaces, we understand that, for our goals, more expensive won't always mean better.
- There're many sensible options on the market: the cheapest one being an assistive solution.  
- We want to offer an alternative within the upper-leftmost area, offering a better solution withing the principles of design for all.
- Tudo que está desenhado à esquerda deve ser lavado nesta torneira
- Deve oferecer a "flexibilidade" do produto mais acima
- Operável com "um tapa"

Main technical requirements
- Everything drawn on the left must washable with the new faucet
- Must be as versatile as the product presented above
- Can be operated with, literally, slaps
- Freedom
- Lightness
- Welcoming
Freedom by not needing anyone's help, to be able to live and express your own lifestile, without making commitments to do so. 
Welcoming feeling from home, as in a place that accepts and represents oneself. Confortable. Safe.
Lightness in form and in the feeling of ease, with no concerns.
Freedom study
Welcoming study
Lightness study

Overall project requirements​​​​​​​

Estudo de soluções para requisitos técnicos 
/ Study of solutions for technical requirements

pela combinação de soluções técnicas / by combining technical solutions
- Optou-se por seguir o desenvolvimento a partir da alternativa superior central
- Ficou entendido que esta solução é simples, de fácil interpretação pelo usuário e operação natural: para levantar, basta puxar para cima e, para baixar, basta empurrar para baixo.
- Foi percebido que a possibilidade de girar a base, para atender duas cubas simultaneamente, não está clara no desenho original, o que tentaremos solucionar nos próximos passos. 

- The selected alternative was the one in the center of the upper line
- We understand it's a simple and easy to understand solution: it can be raised by pulling up and lowered by pushing down
- The possibility to turn the base, to use the product in double sink setups, ain't clear in this design, a problem that shall be worked on in the next steps.
- Alternativas estéticas foram criadas para a mesma solução técnica. Aqui estão apenas as três principais.
- O desenho original permanece como alternativa estética.
- Nº 5 tenta solucionar o problema de comunicação do giro da base com alavancas.
- Nº 2 tenta solucionar o mesmo problema com uma base mais alta, visível e com variação de cor na articulação rotativa, formando um anel.

- Alternative designs were created over the previously selected technical solution. Above, only the main ones are presented.
- The original design is still a relevant solution.
- N5 tackles the turning problem by adding small levers.
- N2 tackles the same problem with a higher, more noticeable base, with a different color in the rotating joint, creating a ring.

A alternativa final evita associações simbólicas, com o intuito de conferir versatilidade na aplicação do produto a ambientes com estilos diversos.

The final alternative avoids symbolic associations, in order to allow the product to fit a greater variety of environments.
A solução / The final design
- Simple curves and light components
- Adjustable height with two pressure locking positions
- Can be turned laterally
- Doesn't require manual dextirity
 Este projeto foi concebido na disciplina "Projeto de Produto de Média Complexidade", do curso de Design da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC, no primeiro semestre do ano de 2019. A estudante Maressa Vieira Medina participou do início do projeto.
 Acesse o relatório completo aqui.

 This project was developed for the Design course from "Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina" - UFSC, on the first semester of 2019. The student Maressa Vieria Medina participated in the first part of the project.
 The detailed project is available here (portuguese only)

Projeto de uma torneira / Faucet design

Projeto de uma torneira / Faucet design

Projeto de uma torneira para espaços pequenos com Design for All / Universal design project of a faucet for small homes
