By Voice Without Noise VWN
Voice Without Noise is an Indian venture working for inclusivity
of Deaf population through life stories and betterment in education.
Here is our first video story of an artist Mithil Thaker

“Hi, my name is Mithil Thaker and this is my story. I might be deaf, but I am an artist first. All I ever want in my art is to convey the things that I feel, things that can speak on behalf of me. For me, my paintings are my best means of communication. My childhood was something that I would not like to recall very often as it was not something that anyone would have ever imagined. Be it my infant years when I got to know that I have been suffering from hearing impairment, all I had was the moral support of my parents who never gave up me. My parents even arranged me a speech development tutor just so that I could start speaking which of course did not last long. Tadoma actually helped me but as I reached the 4th grade, it became nearly impossible for me to remember those long and sentences without properly understanding them. But by the grace of God, I was already introduced with the beautiful art of painting at my early age which kept me motivated all along and it still does. Until the 10th grade I would somehow clear all the annual examinations with the help of the school mentors, but the Boards was not something that I could pass with anyone’s help, it was just me. The grind was real, and unfortunately I could not pass the exams in my first attempt, although I did it in my second attempt taking Drawing as an optional subject for Computer studies which was an obvious decision for me, yet I had to clear the theory part of the subject for me to pass the exams which I could not.

This is where my dad comes into limelight. Since then, it has been a roller coaster ride for me. As soon as I got out of the college, I got a job into Graphic Designing in one of the leading Branding Companies. It has since been just 2 years working there and I have already been felicitated with many awards for my work. But hey, between all these materialistic joys, I still would spare some time for my paintings even if I have to stay up till 3 A.M.

in the morning. The best time that I could spend is with my camera, roaming around the streets of the city of Ahmedabad, capturing the Heritage of the city in a frame and portraying it on the canvas back at home. Nothing and nothing could give me more joy than what painting heritage buildings give. The process is what I crave for the most, for all the time. Right from capturing it until the last stroke of brush on the canvas, it is just a breath-taking experience.

The only thing that I could make out from my life till now is that you have to just hold on to something, stay there and that something will surely pull you out from whatever mess you are in. Who said I don’t have a voice, I do have a voice, A voice without noise, my paintings and my drawings.”

Director: Vrunda Soni
Interviewer: Tanvi Shah
Script by: Vrutant Jagtap Camera & Editing
courtesy: Akash Solanki (Sky feelms)
Cinematography: Rutvij Dave & Prakshal Ramchandani


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My life story


My life story
