ZHANG HAIYAN's profile

Color Wheel Towers

Color-wheel Towers Illustrator and Painting
The 2 pictures below are the Color-wheel design I made for my Color Theory class taught by Professor Jennifer in GBC School of Art

First, I drew 6 thumbnails of my Color-wheel designs concepts, in simple pencil drafts. (Didn't have those photos here.) Then, I chose one concept did two version - one in digital by Adobe Illustrator and one in gouache painting by hand.
The digital version of Color-wheel Towers:

The one below is the gouache painting version of Color-wheel Towers.
The grey scales shapes in those towers are all changed in tints, tones and shades of each colors.
Tool: Windsor&Newton Gouache, cold pressed board.
Color Wheel Towers

Color Wheel Towers

Color-wheel design/illustrator of world famous towers
