Hang is a customizable modular storage rack, formed by a supporting structure and hemp modules. The structure is designed to be light and to be able to support all the weight without stealing the scene from the modules. The horizontal sticks, connected to the load-bearing structure by means of a joint, make available the choice of exchanging the position of the modules and therefore having different combinations according to the user's needs.
The Starting Point
Hang's design begins with a study of Pegboards and their use. A Pegboard is a sheet of wood or other materials with holes placed at the same distance, which allow the insertion of hooks or pins. It is considered a very practical object, as it can be used in any domestic environment and easily adapts to the exingences of anyone.
Hang takes up the same concept of practicality of a Pegboard, where the user can basically organize the available space, eliminating the plate and replacing it with a simple and light composition.

The Rack
The main structure of Hang is an interlocking wooden rack composed of horizontal sticks designed to be easily removed and allow the modules to be moved and placed in the desired position. The space between the sticks makes the object light without visually disturbing the surrounding environment.
The Modules
There are two families of modules in Hang, the so-called "Bag Modules" with a shape that is very similar to a full envelope and the "Flat Modules" that slender the structure and offer other uses besides the storage one.
Why hemp?
Although not enough technology has been developed to process it, hemp represents a material with great potential in many fields: it is an excellent substitute for other materials due to the speed with which it grows and its easy maintenance, it is resistant, durable and hypoallergenic. Hemp fabric similar to felt, obtained from the short fibres of the stem of the plant, has been used to make the modules. The "felt" obtained was then immersed in hot water to widen the fibres and then pressed to obtain a more compact and therefore more resistant sheet. When dried, the sheet was then cut and sewn.

The Concept
The main concept in Hang is the contrast, resulting from the choice of materials and also expressed in the very shape of the structure.
Wood is presented in Hang as the supporting structure, strong but still with a light, elegant and minimal look. The hemp modules, on the other hand, are rough, deformed and give in to gravity when subjected to a weight that they are still able to withstand.
The structure is rational, a precise grid, while the modules are free forms; together the two materials form a balance between linearity and organicity.




Creative Fields