Ag. Smith, an AI program trained to remove threats and instabilities inside the virtual reality of the Matrix.
As a huge fan of the profound idea and conception of Matrix and Animatrix, I've been longin to find out someway to pay my respect and admiration for the story and philosophy.
So a few months ago I've got really inspired with the ilustration of Max Greck, and decided to try bringing his idea to the three axis. (
This is a personal project, made to practice skills, learn and have fun.
Everything was modeled from scratch and all maps hand-painted or procedurally generated.
It took me 2 months to develop the whole project and I've spent 70% of the time dealing only with the hair, as inexperienced with the subject and aiming a pretty sharp result.
Almost every knowledge used here was taken from Youtube and other communities, so a huge thanks for all the beloved sharing people! We're living in beautiful days of information.
Agent Smith

Agent Smith
