Mark Calulo's profile

Ban Trophy Hunting Campaign

Ban Trophy Hunting

Project Description:
The challenge was to create an inexpensive way for an organization or group of individuals, who are working for a great cause, to promote and get their message out. I chose to do my project for the Humane Society to raise awareness about the issues related to Trophy Hunting in order to recruit additional volunteers to help prevent cruelty before it occurs.

Design Solution:
My research and analysis opened my eyes to the seriousness of Sports Hunting. Clearly something has to be done. I want to reveal the sad truth behind this industry. I also want to emphasize how “Sport Hunting” is nothing like sports. Such activity promotes violence and cruelty that is very unsportsmanlike and has little to do with fair play. Therefore, wildlife hunting can never be
called a sport.

A lot of people may think that this is an issue that doesn’t concern them since they do not experience its effects firsthand. The goal of the design campaign is to make a connection with the mass audience. The design problem lies in how to make Trophy Hunting a relevant issue that is current and relatable.

Creating this campaign was very personal to me. As a former athlete, sports run through my veins. It gave me discipline and a sense of pride. I can’t fathom how murdering majestic creatures can be in any way associated with a social institution that has shaped me. Popular sports teams like in the NBA and NFL make use of animals as symbols to represent them. My design solution is to utilize recognized sports team icons to get attention, cultivate a reaction and effectively get my message through. By reflecting the torture, pain and suffering of the victims of Trophy Hunting on a well-celebrated sports icon, like the bull from the Chicago Bulls logo, people, especially sports fanatics, will realize that Trophy Hunting is inhumane and not in accordance with the values and moral standards of sports in general. By drawing out a shared empathy and concern for animals, this campaign aims to call out athletes and sports enthusiasts to support and work alongside the cause.

Special circumstances:
One issue that may have arisen from my concept is the use of licensed images and copyright problems. Utilizing symbols that look like popular big-shot logos might beproblematic especially if the involved sports leagues react negatively.

The message to ban Trophy Hunting should be strongly conveyed on the design to prevent misunderstanding or the wrong connotation. The goal of the design is not to vandalize these sports icons but rather to demonstrate how such cruelty can taint the integrity of the sports industry itself.

I believe that with a powerful and clear visual design message, the use of sports team
logos will in fact be beneficial to both the #BanTrophyHunting campaign as well as sports organization themselves. Indeed, these two organizations have the opportunity to stand together,
create powerful messages through and awareness. It’s a matter of getting the sports team to
donate their brand identities (such as the bull, the jaguar and the trophy cup) to help fight for this
cause. Everybody wins!
Concept sketches
Ban Trophy Hunting Campaign

Ban Trophy Hunting Campaign
