Two fighters cross swords ready for combat. Their faces say that they are enjoying themselves.
A fighter waits to enter the ring. The judge watches on, waiting to give to go ahead.
Two fighters face off. A judge watches from the side. Single sword is the catagory for this round.
A group of judges discuss a ruling with contestants. There is a question about a call.
Two fighter in the middle of combat. The judges watch the action closely.
A judges make an announcement about the tournament. A second judge stands by him.
Two fighters ready for the fight. The judges watch from the side. One stands near to start them.
Another of the fights in mid swing. The judges watch on to determine a winner.
A single fighter takes his stance. Ready for the coming attack he sets his defense.
Two fighter square off in combat. Sword and shield is the choice for this round.
Larp Tournament

Larp Tournament


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