This project ran highly on concept. We were to re-design three book jacket covers from a series or from three different books that could work together as a trio. I chose the Hunger Games, my favorite books when I was in middle school and really challenged myself conceptually. I began with the first book, having a Mockingjay bird small in her nest (representing the main character Katniss who also represented a Mockingjay in the books) among bare trees. Throughout the next two books, the Mockingjay grew and began to take flight, while the trees and color scheme began to evolve and grow. This was a very illustrative project for me, pushing me artistically. I learned a lot about the design of book jackets and all of the necessary elements that are present type and non-type related. I was very proud of how this project finished and took my own hero shots for the first time to complete it.
The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
