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AeroSafety World digital edition covers 2

Home Page Covers for AeroSafety World Digital 2
When AeroSafety World went exclusively digital in November 2016, Flight Safety Foundation also had its website redesigned. One of the sections of the home page included space for the type of cover produced when AeroSafety World was printed. Although the magazine was no longer being produced for print, I had to produce a cover as if it was. 

The space allowed was 375 px by 485 px, so I soon realized that the larger, but busier photographs of airports, aircraft and incidents sites often used did not read well at the smaller display size and started to choose images or develop illustrations that told the cover story at a smaller size.

These are more recent covers I have produced from July–August 2019 through December 2019–January 2020. The covers on the far left and right depict two interpretations for stories on the Federal Aviation Administration's push for remote ID for drones. I really liked the work of the illustrator on the far left and thought it perfect for the subject. I created the illustration on the far right using an icon from The Noun Project and overlaying several of them over a city map, with one having identification.

The cover story for the center right cover was on eroding safety practices of Canadian air taxis. I found a great illustration of a common type of air taxi flown in Canada, a float plane, and used a dissolving effect on the periphery to illustrate crumbling standards.
AeroSafety World digital edition covers 2


AeroSafety World digital edition covers 2

Cover images for AeroSafety World, the journal of Flight Safety Foundation
